Thursday, February 11, 2010


Tuesday afternoon, after gym, called mum to pick me up.
As my rashes at the back of my body is becoming worst.
So went to the doctor and he gave me this lotion to cool my rashes off.
Went back home. bath and 'pangsai', went i came out of the bathroom,
my whole body shivering. my temperature starts to rise and i went to sleep straight.
at night, kena diarrhoea. i went to the toilet for 7 times. like OMG. whole body weak.
I didn't even manage to study for my solarcell test.

Wednesday morning, msg khai to tell Ms Malar that i'm on mc.
I really have no energy to even walk around the house.
Whole day on the bed. sigh. went to the doc in the evening after my dad came back from work.
Take the mc and went to school to submit it. now waiting for Ms Malar to re schedule my test.

Today felt slightly better but still weak. i think i need plenty of rest. oh well.

What the doc said, "no working out or excercise for 2 weeks and have a really good rest".
2 weeks? I'm sooo gonna put in weight.